Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's Out!! Delta Magazine Holiday Edition

The Holiday issue of Delta Magazine is out on newstands and it features our home!! No no...heavan's no...I didn't decorate for Christmas back in September or October just in time for the Nov/Dec issue to come out silly. The photographs were actually taken last year after Christmas but before everything was put away. Melissa and her staff do such an outstanding job with each and every issue and we feel truly honored to have been asked to be a part of this one. Since we are very good friends and go wayyyy back to early family ski trips perhaps in the late 1970's range....I can say that Melissa does in fact have my dream job and I'm so glad that she does b/c I know I could not do it nearly as well as she does!! No way. was fun to be a part of such an amazing experience and for those who haven't seen the new issue check it out! It's a good one! Happy Holidays....Almost! (I'm not there mentally or physically yet and THAT'S OK!)
I've attached some pictures of the pages in Delta magazine that our house was featured in just in case my children lose any extra copies floating around that I am currently saving for them.

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