Thursday, January 21, 2010

A "Poker Face" New Year's Eve!

This year our supper club decided to have one of it's 3 yearly gatherings on New Year's Eve or aka the "holiday" party for our supper club. The festivities took place at Lisa and Steven Cookston's house. The karaoke machine was in full force with the most requested song of the night being what else.....Poker Face by Lady Ga Ga
"The hostess with the mostest" of....jello shots that is

Me and Patsy

Mary Haley Flautt, Don and Romney

Floyd, Jay Rose, Michael McCool and Bill Burrus

Cindy Tyler, Frances, me and Cindy Wilson

Reese and Allison

Cyndi, Henry, Jody, Kim and Lyn

"Karaoke Meistro" Tim

NO DANCING PLEASE! Do as it says...or else...

But you CAN sing

Take it away with Lisa and Millie

Sing it boy! P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Poker Face....

Good Times! Happy 2010!!


Lizzie Powers said...

Looks like yall had a blast! Cute post!

Lisa said...

My house looks good! Thanks for finally posting. That was a fun way to kick off 2010!